Julie Dash’s groundbreaking work follows a multi-generational family in the Gullah community on the Sea Islands off of South Carolina – former West African slaves who adopted many of their ancestors’ Yoruba traditions – as they struggle to maintain their cultural heritage and folklore.
The first wide release by a black female filmmaker, Daughters of the Dust was met with wild critical acclaim and rapturous audience response when it initially opened in 1991. Casting a long legacy, Daughters of the Dust still resonates today, most recently as a major influence on Beyonce’s video album Lemonade.
If you encounter any bugs with the screening, please report them asap to uclfilmsociety@gmail.com.
Discussion will follow each film over zoom, a great space for discussing your ideas and engaging in productive debate. Alternatively, treat the discussion like a podcast and just sit back to listen to other students’ thoughts. These screenings will be an opportunity for UCL’s student community to engage with ideas regarding racial identity and racism over history as well as the present day.
No membership required.
The stream will be uploaded to this thread closer to the time.
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