Hi everyone!
Yesterday, we managed to hit full capacity on our WhatsApp group. This is great! It means that many of you want to stay in touch with other FilmSoc members and know everything that is going on at FilmSoc. Instead of creating a second group, which would defeat the purpose of having everyone in one place, we decided to move our group chat to Telegram, which is very similar to WhatsApp but it can support bigger groups and better spam protection, amongst other features. It's also completely multi-platform!
You can join our Telegram chat by visiting the same URL as for the WhatsApp group, https://uclfilm.com/chat
Today, all of Facebook's services went down! It's a great opportunity for those that haven't joined us in the new group to do so. It's so easy to download and sign up for Telegram! You can find the app here:
iOS https://telegram.org/dl/ios
Android https://telegram.org/android
macOS https://macos.telegram.org/
Windows / Linux https://desktop.telegram.org/
Sailfish OS https://openrepos.net/content/werkwolf/fernschreiber
We hope you'll join us on our new group chat!