If you encounter any bugs with the screening, please report them asap to uclfilmsociety@gmail.com.
Discussion will follow each film over zoom, a great space for discussing your ideas and engaging in productive debate. Alternatively, treat the discussion like a podcast and just sit back to listen to other students’ thoughts. These screenings will be an opportunity for UCL’s student community to engage with ideas regarding racial identity and racism over history as well as the present day.
Jordan Peele’s Get Out is a modern classic in every sense. The genre-bending thriller won over 150 awards, including the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 2018. It’s a film that works both as a clever subversion of horror tropes and a deeply powerful political piece, highlighting the ways in which American racism continues to plague the nation through its various manifestations and veiled disguises.
Fatherhood is a touching short film that uses poetry and tableaux to explore the oppressive structures and stereotypes that damage parental relationships in African-American communities.
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